Introduction/Call for Papers
This session aims at discussing the problems of fuzzy control system and its applications in practice. Nowadays, fuzzy control systems cover a wide range of fields in modern life such as controlling system, robotics, decision making and image processing …etc. Additionally, the trend of applying and studying fuzzy systems keep increasing in the future. Prospective authors from a variety of fields including fuzzy controller design, robotics, image processing …etc., are invited to submit original papers to the Special Session.
Topics of interests include but not limited to:
- Fuzzy systems or fuzzy theories
- Any application by fuzzy logic or fuzzy reasoning
All accepted papers that will be part of the conference proceedings, are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by EI.
Submitted manuscripts should be within 2~6 pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings from the conference website to prepare your paper. All submissions MUST be in PDF format.
Complete manuscripts must be electronically submitted through Easychair system at:
NOTE: If you want to submit a paper for SPECIAL SESSION 02 (FUZZY SYSTEMS AND ITS APPLICATIONS), please add SS02- before title of your paper when you type the title on easy chair.
Example: SS02- Fuzzy Restricted Boltzmann Machine for the Enhancement of Deep Learning
Important Dates
March 15, 2017: Deadline for submission of 2-page extended abstract papers to special sessions.
March 30, 2017: Acceptance/Rejection Notification.
May 10, 2017: Final camera-ready papers due in electronic form.
Special Session organizers
Prof. Wen-June Wang
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Central University
JhongLi, 32001, Taiwan