FRIDAY, JULY 21st 2017
08:00am Registration
Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building
09:00am Opening Ceremony
Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building
Dr. Nguyen Vu Lan, Deputy Head of International Affairs Office, HCMUTE
Opening Welcome
Prof. Dr. Do Van Dung, President, HCMUTE, Vietnam
Prof. Dr. Yo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
President, Taiwan Association of Systems Science and Engineering
Chair, IEEE SMC Taipei Chapter, Taiwan
Guests of Honors
Prof. Dr. Bui Van Ga, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam
Vote of Thanks
Dr. Ngo Van Thuyen, University Council Chairman, HCMUTE, Vietnam
09:20am Keynote Address
Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building
Keynote Address 1: Data Mining and Machine Learning for Analysis of Network Traffic
Prof. Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic, School of Engineering Science,
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Chair: Prof. Dr. Yo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
10:20am Morning Tea
Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building
10:40am - 05:25pm Paper Presentations - Breakout Sessions
(12:00am - 01:30pm Lunch break)
(03:30pm - 03:45pm Afternoon Tea break)
SATURDAY, JULY 22nd 2017
09:00am Registration
Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building
09:20am Keynote Address
Venue:Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building
Keynote Address 2: Unknown input methods based observer and controller synthesis for uncertain nonlinear systems
Prof. Dr. Wen-June Wang
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan,
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hieu Giang, Vice President, HCMUTE, Vietnam
10:20am Morning Tea
Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building
10:40am - 05:25pm Paper Presentations - Breakout Sessions
(12:00am - 01:30pm Lunch break)
(03:30pm - 03:45pm Afternoon Tea break)
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